#Extended Tools

Performance of communication strategy
Extended Tools is a comprehensive HUB of HR solutions. It delivers digital HR tools supporting recruitment, development and employee engagement.
It includes, among others: Extended DISC, FSA, Feedback 360. The client applied to us with a request for performance of a comprehensive and holistic communication campaign in the “marketing mix” spirit.
Extended Tools
Performance date:
2021 – to date
Scope of work:
Preparation of a communication strategy and schedule of communication actions, SEO-copywriting, content marketing, event marketing, operation of press office, support and counselling in the area of social selling activities
Effects of our cooperation:
- Participation of the Extended Tools representatives in industry initiatives organised by Grow Agency (Raport #Trendy, BrunchEB, ebook TOP of HRnews.pl)
- Preparation of concept, narrative and communication plan for e-book “Love, Hate, Friends with Benefits” (full visual identification and typesetting on the Agency’s end)
- Generation of 1,500 sales leads – via event marketing and downloading the “Love, Hate, Friends with Benefits” report
- Accomplishing over 200 attendance at the expert debate organised by HRNews.pl (upon the order of Extended Tools)
- Over 100 social media mentions – tagging of the company by opinion leaders and HR/EB buffs